It’s easy to make money once you have money. It’s difficult to get ahead when you have none. A succinct explanation using sandwiches from Robert Tressell.
We can easily spot the that the idea of branding comes from a burned mark of ownership. Unfortunately, the similarities don’t end there.
The internet places the sum total of human knowledge at our fingertips. If the knowledge we seek is not already online, Google knows the people who know.
An open source, multi-faceted eBook manager. You may not actually need one of these but if you like the idea, it’s free to try and free to keep.
Always afraid of the grammar Nazi that might be waiting just around the corner? There’s no need to fear them. They only have the power you give.
If ever there was a case of too much choice, free fonts is it. Get started on thinking if you want to use them, why, and what to do about it.